Against the Current Campaign $15K Matching Gift

We have exciting news to announce regarding our Against the Current Campaign. Two generous donors have stepped forward to offer a combined $15,000 match to help close out the campaign for the month of July! 

Every dollar you donate today will be doubled!

$100 becomes $200

$500 becomes $1,000

$1,000 becomes $2,000

$2,500 becomes $5,000

Please help us reach our goal of raising $130,000 by July 31st so that we can hire our head of school, secure a location, recruit families, and ultimately move to the third and final stage before opening the doors of Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata. Since our last update, we have surpassed $9,000 in additional pledges and donations, bringing us within 37% of our $130,000 goal. By fulfilling our newly announced match, we will be only $18,000 away from achieving our target. This is a fantastic opportunity to maximize your contribution. Donate now and have your impact doubled!

Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata will be a school where souls will be formed and nourished with the teachings of Christ. It is a place where our youth will build the academic skills, spiritual strength, and confidence of character needed to fight against the currents which they will undoubtedly encounter. Your support, whether big or small, will help us build this beacon of hope for our community.

Thank you for believing in our mission and helping us build a joyful, vibrant and affordable Catholic high school in Massachusetts!

In Christ,

Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata


Chesterton Academy  of the Immaculata has been approved as a new  Catholic high school in the Archdiocese of Boston.


Immaculata Mom runs for the cause